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Conveyancing & PROPERTY LAW
From our appointment, we manage the entire process for you - from contract signing to settlement - we are on your side, and by your side.
Selling your home, buying a property or transferring your interest in a property is one of the most stressful life experiences - we are experts in conveyancing and sensitive to the needs of our clients, let us take the burden off your shoulders.
When you engage us to manage your property conveyance, you are in safe hands. Our priority is to protect your interests, explain the process in plain English and keep you updated every step of the way.
We strive to ensure your experience with transferring the legal title of your property is stress free and seamless. But if there are bumps along the way, take comfort knowing we are on your side, and by your side.
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Property transfers
Transfer between brothers and sisters, parents, children and grandparents
Transfers between same sex couples
Transfers between spouses or domestic partners
Deceased estates - transfers to an executor, surviving spouse or beneficiary of a will
Change in the manner of holding from joint proprietors to tenants in common or vice versa
Transfers between family trusts and companies
Advice on stamp duty exemptions for transfers between spouses and related parties
Buying & selling property
Contract and s32 Vendor Statement preparation
Established houses
Vacant Land
Units and apartments
Commercial property (factories, warehouses and offices)
Licence agreements
Retirement Villages
Pre-Purchase Legal Advice
Review and advice on the Contract of Sale and s32 Vendor Statement
Advice on off-the-plan contracts including apartments, units and vacant land
First Home Buyer guidance
House and land packages
Stamp duty considerations including FHOG and First Home Buyer stamp duty exemption
RETAIL AND Commercial Leases
Retail Leases
Commercial Leases
Transfer and Assignment of Leases
Renewal and variations of Leases
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